When my husband, Art, passed away last October, it was a real wake-up call to work on improving my health.
As life has settled down a bit, I decided to make some changes. I am eating healthier, and I’m drinking at least 84 ounces of water a day
I know a big part of getting healthier is exercise and I’m attempting to make sure I get in 10,000 steps a day. To assist me in that goal, I bought a “generic” Fitbit by Akasma. It was only $26 on Amazon, so I thought I would give it a try.
As my tracker counts my steps, I have realized that this is one of those times when getting older is actually helping me.
With drinking all of that water, I am constantly going to the bathroom. Then, I often forget why I came into a room and have to retrace steps to remember what I was doing. Forgetfulness and trips to the bathroom rack up the steps! Score one for getting older!
One other thing I have been doing that is supposed to help the immune system is practicing the Wim Hof Method. This was developed by a man in Poland and consists of breathing exercises, cold showers and ice baths. It has really helped the fibromyalgia and depression I have been dealing with.
A challenge for me with his method is controlling yourself when that cold water hits your body. I started doing the breathing exercises and cold showers before Art and I were married and he teased me that it sounded like I was having sex in the shower!
When that cold water hits, there are a lot of sounds that come out of your mouth that you can’t control. There is loud gasping, panting, sometimes squealing, a lot of “Oh! Oh! Oh my gosh!” and heavy breathing. When we were staying in hotels on our honeymoon I was really worried people in the next room would either think someone was being killed or having wild sex.
I worried about someone misinterpreting those sounds because some people (namely one of my adult children) can think the strangest sounds are someone having sex.
When we were living in the lake house, my children often came to visit and stay overnight. One night we had something spicy for dinner and when we went to bed Art starting having horrendous acid reflux. The kids had stayed downstairs watching TV. As the reflux got worse, Art started coughing and loudly clearing his throat. It went on for quite a while.
The next morning we came downstairs and my daughter, Heidi, said “I can’t believe you guys!” When I asked what she was talking about. She said, “We were trying to watch TV last night and could hardly hear it because you and Art were having loud sex upstairs. It was so disgusting!” I was laughing so hard I could hardly tell her that what she heard was Art clearing his throat and coughing.
I had to then tell her, “Heidi, if you think that’s what making love sounds like…you must be doing it wrong.” Poor kids, they were grossed out all night over acid reflux!
…but then…maybe some people having sex DOES sound like acid reflux. Hey, I’m no expert. To each his own.
Love and Hugs,
Lol…that was good Sis!